$670,794 of $600,000 raised

Copyright – House of Peace and Enlightenment
Abou test
It all started in 1776 when America wrote the declaration of independence to become independent from the colonial powers of the United Kingdom and well, in this great city of Philadelphia, only a couple of blocks from where the constitution was written and where Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and the framers of this great country worked so hard to ensure the liberty and freedom for all Americans, we the muslims of Center City Philadelphia are working to establish and create a Center City mosque.
The Center City mosque project started in the 1990’s when several muslims who worked and lived in Center City Philadelphia found that they needed a place to worship in congregation for Friday Prayer. Year and year the group found itself increasing in numbers, outgrowing rental properties and interfaith spaces in Jefferson Hospitals, muslims had to split up in different sections of Philadelphia to have enough space to offer Friday prayer.
Currently, muslims set up places in their corporate offices, local churches or must commute to north, west or south Philadelphia to perform prayer and then return to work.Now, our goal is to establish a permanent place in Center City devoted for worship of Allah SWT not only for Friday prayer, but 7 days a week open for 5 daily prayers.
We know that we are not the first group to try and do this and we use this cause to call everyone who wants to have a Center City mosque to assist us in this cause. We pray that Allah SWT helps and guides us and makes this a house of worship that follows the way established by Allah Ta’ala through his book the Holy Quran and through the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings upon him).
So thankful are we to live in a country that empowers each individual with freedom of religion. We strive establish a mosque in Center City Philadelphia to serve the needs of everyone, muslim or not. To establish a place that ensures safety and inclusiveness of all our neighbors in Center City Philadelphia.
The city of Philadelphia is a historical city with immense riches of culture and we pray one day that we continue in its magnificent legacy with the establishment of a Center City mosque.
Copyright © 2018 – House of Peace and Enlightenment
‘House of Peace and Enlightenment’ is a Pennsylvania registered Non-Profit organization