The Story Of Center City Mosque
Alhumdulilah your generous donations have been the cornerstone of our 10-year dream of purchasing a property for the Center City Mosque, in downtown Philadelphia. Every contribution will be dedicated to renovating and maintaining the mosque at 1328 Walnut Street, a 1,500-square-foot building. Your support is crucial in reaching our Launch Good fundraising target of $50,000 for renovating and beautifying the space for our permanent sanctuary.The funds will establish a space that will accommodate you, and allow you to have an option at what time you can choose to attend Jummah prayers based on your work schedule. Our intention is to open during Ramadan 2024, inshAllah. Your contribution directly shapes the physical and spiritual experience of the Center City Mosque community. We have plans of expanding and building a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor that will host separate men and women prayer sections, a space to hold halaqas and events such as Nikkahs. This is a space where Muslims from all different backgrounds, and those interested in Islam can come and learn in a no-judgment zone and insha Allah take their shahada at the Center City Mosque.